Bold, loyal, and fiercely courageous when faced with a threat, guard dogs are ready to spring into action to protect their masters from danger. Some dog breeds have strong instincts to defend their families than others. This makes them a perfect fit for this role. If you are looking for the best guard dog breeds, we have especially prepared this list for you.
12th Place – Giant Schnauzer
11th Place – Staffordshire Bull Terrier
10th Place – Bull Mastiff
9th Place – Bulgarian Shepherd Dog
8th Place – Komondor
7th Place – Hungarian Puli
6th Place – Doberman Pinscher
5th Place – Beauceron
4th Place – Great Dane
3rd Place – Belgian Malinois
2nd Place – German Shepherd
1st Place – Rhodesian Ridgeback
What is the best small guard dog?
The Giant schnauzer’s smaller counterpart, the miniature schnauzer, is one of the best small guard dogs around. He may be a small pooch, but he is just as capable of protecting his family as the giant schnauzer.
Whilst he is not prone to aggression, he will display fierceness once he senses a threat. His cheerful and outgoing nature makes him a great canine companion. This breed is well-suited for families and apartment dwellers.
What’s the best guard dog for families?
All of these 12 breeds listed above are excellent choices as family guard dogs. However, each of them has distinct personalities and differs in needs.
To pick the best guard dog for your family, you need to think about the ideal traits that you wish your family pet to have. It is also crucial to take into consideration the kind of lifestyle that you have to ensure that your dog fits perfectly in your life and home.
What is the best guard dog for a farm?
The best guard dogs to keep in the farm are breeds that are originally bred to protect livestock. In our list, the Beauceron, Bulgarian shepherd dog, Hungarian puli, and Komondor are the top guard dog breeds that would do well in guarding farms.
Keep in mind that they tend to have higher prey drive compared to other dogs. Thus, they need constant training throughout their lives.