Intestinal worm infestation may occur in dogs as young as two weeks old. A 2021 study states that 50% of puppies with this age inherited worms from their mothers.
Researchers also noted that 70% of 12-week-old dogs got most of these parasites from their mother’s milk.
If you’re rearing a dog from an early age, you are likely to face worm infestation problems. Although they are inevitable, knowing how to treat and prevent them can minimise and curb the recurrence of this health issue.
How Do Dogs Get Worms?
Dogs are wanderers by nature. As a result, dogs may come across unpleasant living organisms. Common instances are:
- Ingesting animals worms use as hosts (e.g., mice)
- Getting bitten by fleas infected by worms
- Consuming wastes of pets with worms
- Coming into contact with infected soil and other contaminated surfaces
4 Common Types of Worms in Dogs and Symptoms of Infestation
There are 4 types of intestinal worms often observed in dogs, namely roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and heartworms. The symptoms of infestation in dogs may vary depending on the type of worm afflicting them.
1. Roundworms
Roundworms resemble spaghetti strips. It appears as a small white or light brown, rounded strip. Roundworms in dogs can be passed on by the mother during her pregnancy or by ingesting worm eggs off the ground.
Symptoms include:
- Malnourishment
- Suspiciously swollen belly with or without pain
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
2. Hookworms
Hookworms in dogs are intestinal parasites that can be fatal, especially in puppies. They look smaller than roundworms and they feed by hooking on to a dog’s intestinal wall.
Pets can get hookworms from consuming hookworm larvae from the environment or their mothers during their pregnancy.
Symptoms include:
- Anaemia
- Weight loss
- Poor growth
- Death
3. Tapeworms
Tapeworms are the largest of the worms found in dogs. They appear flat and segmented and could grow to around 20 centimetres long.
The segmented bodies of adult worms can break off into small pieces that resemble grains of rice. Then, they are passed through the faeces as a way to contaminate the environment and increase the chances of infesting other animals.
Since they don’t have mouths, these parasites absorb food through their skin. They commonly thrive in the small intestine of canines.
Symptoms include:
- Egg segments on your dog’s poop
- Vomiting (check if worms are visible)
- Anus irritability
- Constant licking of the anus
4. Heartworms
Compared to the other parasites, heartworms are the most alarming. They are very small and not visible. They reside in the heart or sometimes in the lungs. Dogs get heartworms from infected mosquitoes.
Symptoms include:
- Breathlessness
- Weight loss
- Weak immunodeficiency
- Depression
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How Are Worms in Dogs Diagnosed?
Some worms are silent killers. So if you think that your pet has these intestinal parasites, confirm your suspicions.Different types of worms affect dogs in different ways. However, in general, changes in your dog’s behaviour, weight, appetite, and poop quality are telling signs that he has a worm infestation.
A veterinarian is the only one who can precisely assess whether or not the symptoms were caused by worms or other underlying health problems.
This is not only for the safety of your canine but for your family’s safety as well. Know that some dog parasites can be transmitted to people, especially kids.
How to Stop and Prevent Worms in Dogs
- As research revealed, puppies are more prone to worm infestations. As such, they should undergo repeated deworming treatments until they are six months old. Bear in mind that deworming is not only effective for pups but for adult dogs as well.
- Deworming medications for dogs come in different forms, such as injections, tablets, or spot-on treatments. Some pet shops have pet products available to aid your dog. Ask for professional advice from the vet about the exact dosage for your pet.
- Observe good hygiene. It is also important to always clean the dog’s surroundings. Be critical in cleaning his potty areas since they are prone to worm egg build-up. Always wash your hands after handling and discarding dog poop.
- Walk dogs in public places. Limit your dog’s exposure to contaminated areas and/or objects.
Keep your dog flea-free. There are products to fight off fleas as well as flea treatments performed by vets.
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FAQs About Worms in Dogs
1. Can Dog Worms Be Passed on to Humans?
As roundworms are the most common worms in dogs, they are also the most likely to be passed on to humans. They are high risks to children.
If children ingest or come in contact with infectious worm eggs, the worm larvae can migrate and multiply internally. This is why routine deworming is important.
2. What Happens If Worms Are Left Untreated in Dogs?
If worms in dogs are left untreated, serious health complications may arise. As these parasites continuously leech off blood and nutrients, affected pooches may develop anaemia and nutrient deficiency.
Allowing worms to grow and multiply unhindered in the canine body may damage the digestive tract or cause organ blockage.
3. Will Worms Make a Dog Not Eat?
Severe worm infestations can cause a dog not to eat. The presence of parasites in his stomach may lead to bloating and discomfort, which explains his loss of appetite.
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4. Will a Wormer Hurt Your Dog If He Doesn’t Have Worms?
A wormer will not hurt your dog if it doesn’t have worms, provided that the proper dose is administered. If you are unsure about the correct dosage for your pet, ask the assistance of a veterinarian.
Worms are some of the most prevalent intestinal parasites in dogs, particularly younger puppies. Timely diagnosis and appropriate deworming treatment prevent this health issue from spiralling into a bigger problem.As worms in dogs can be a recurrent issue, routine preventative measures, such as regular deworming, must be observed to keep your furry pal safe from these nasty parasites.