It is a misconception that a pet fish is easier to care for compared to most pets. This fallacy can be avoided if one does his/her own research on how to look after pet fish before acquiring one. The first thing to keep in mind is that fish are sociable pets. They need spacious tanks and should not be housed alone with the company of only a single plant.
Fish as pets
Are fish good pets? Apparently, fish communicate differently compared to our furry pets. Their form of communication is harder to interpret. Regardless, they require attention and care as with any other pets.
What is the best pet fish to buy? There are several pet fish types that you can choose from. Each type makes for great pets when properly cared for with only temperature conditions as their primary difference.
- Goldfish
- Weather Loach
Aside from the basic needs, it is necessary to provide a filter and a heater that ensure the temperature is set right and consistent for the species. Tropical fish popularly kept as pets are as follows:
- Guppy
- Neon Tetra
- Angelfish
This type of species does not need a heater. Just keep in mind to place it away from radiators and direct sunlight. Temperate fish popularly kept as pets are as follows:
- Variatus Platyfish
- Assorted Danios
- Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnows
- White Cloud Mountain Minnows
If you already have a pet fish or still thinking of having one, be certain that they are living comfortably and in good condition. Use this piece as a guide to check on your pet fish.
1. Ensure your pet fish have adapted well
Fish are delicate species. It is best to ask the breeder or fish experts on what type of fish you have. Be sure to acquaint yourself with the water parameters for nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and pH levels suitable for the type of fish. In addition, this includes getting the right food to meet its nutrient requirement.
Further, the temperament of the fish should also be considered. There are aggressive types that should be kept in a different tank from the others to avoid fish fights. Some have placid temperaments that can coexist with others and can even comfortably live alone.
2. Ensure your fish have enough room to roam
The amount of water should depend on the size of the type of fish.
3. Provide an environment similar to its natural habitat
Fish can either be from saltwater or freshwater. You may add pebbles to their aquarium with a little water movement to recreate the atmosphere of a river. As for the saltwater fish, you may simply add sand to its aquarium to recreate the ocean. It is best to put stones or certain blocks which can serve as a hiding place when they want some personal space.
4. Ensure to condition the water
It is best to have a dechlorinating and biological aquarium supplement which helps in conditioning the water in the aquarium. The long-term health of your fish largely depends on the water. As such, a pH kit which is a tool to measure pH levels, concentration levels, and the temperature is advisable for monitoring the water.
With tap water, it should be taken with extra caution as it contains chlorine that can be harmful to fish. One natural way to treat tap water is to leave out under the sun for 24 hours.
5. Ensure that the aquarium is kept clean at all times
One natural way of controlling water concentration levels is to replace the water. Twenty-five per cent of aquarium water should be replaced every month to keep it clean and clear. Other options include:
- Using a gravel vacuum to siphon the water along with other unwanted substances.
- Replacing the aquarium water by temporarily transferring your pet fish in a safe container.
- Rinsing out the substrates. In this way, you will not need to do any temporary relocating of your pet fish.
6. Prevent algae growth
Aside from the water, all sides of the tank should also be kept clean. The growth of algae should be kept in check. An excessive number of algae can reduce oxygen. Make the aquarium glass and water cloudy and create health concerns for your pet fish and aquatic plants. There are scrub brushes or other tools that are helpful in addressing this problem.
- Siamese algae eater
- Chinese algae eater
- Bristlenose Plecostomus
- Otocinclus catfish
It is believed that keeping a fish aquarium has a calming effect on people. Are you ready to keep one? Make sure you are committed to its care and maintenance. Learn more tips from our pet blogs.